Our team is growing!

We have had the pleasure of welcoming two more paid employees to the team! Emma-Louise has come onboard as Production Lead and Chez join us as Recovery Lead.


About Emma

Emma has been volunteering with us from the very beginning and has consistently demonstrated her dedication and capability to take on this new role. Her journey from volunteer to Production Lead is a significant milestone and we are thrilled to offer her employment.

Emma credits her time with Getting Clean for helping her build confidence, self-worth and develop personal and professional goals, which have been instrumental in her recovery.


About Chez

Chez has been an asset to the Getting Clean team, and we are delighted to have her onboard.

Getting Clean has played a pivotal role in Chez's recovery and personal and professional development. By participating in various activities such as therapeutic soap making sessions, environmental projects, and recovery capital planning, Chez has gained employability skills, increased her self-worth, and improved her mental health. Volunteering with Getting Clean, she has built processes to support others in their recovery journeys, further enhancing her confidence and leadership abilities. This involvement has culminated in her securing part-time employment.


Each new paid employee we welcome to the team shows our growth as a LERO.  We started as a small volunteer project of recovering addicts wanting to support each other through getting and staying clean, and now, through our passion and determination for what we do, we can offer paid employment. With each milestone, we can expand our reach and offer more support to people in recovery, give back to our community, and challenge stigma and change perception of addiction.



Image descriptions:

Cover - Chris is taking a selfie with Chery, Emma and Richard close behind him. There is a sign behind them that reads, ‘Welcome to Leeds Station’ and there are rainbow lights on the ceiling. Everyone is smiling and Chris has his thumb up.

Image 1. Emma is instructing a group of LS14 Trust staff during a Soap with Hope workshop. There are spoons and other tools on the table and two people use whisks to stir the content of large bowls.

Image 2. Emma stands close to the camera and smiling. She is holding a bar of Soap with Hope. She is wearing a black Getting Clean t-shirt with the green logo on the front.

Images 3 & 4 – Chez sits at an office table with a volunteer. Chez guides the volunteer through a recovery centred exercise using a bespoke deck of cards.

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